Coffee Cultivated with Purpose: Business As a Means for Good

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Coffee Cultivated with Purpose: Business As a Means for Good

Imagine waking up at 6200 feet to witness the light-orange hues of the rising sun along with the Paez River parting the valley below. In the distance, the faint beat of drums and flute that ever so gently compliments the dawn chorus of birds. The music, part of an initiative to recuperate the Nasa people's mother tongue of Nasa Yuwe to local children through song.

With some 115 indigenous cultures in Colombia, the Native Root team holds a deep respect for their ancestral heritage and supports initiatives to preserve the traditions and customs of the old ones. This is the driving force behind everything Native Root does; to give back to the community from which it came. Native Root works in close collaboration with some 30 farmers from the community to make sure everyone is contributing, taking ownership and perhaps most importantly being taken care of. The mission of Native Root is that everyone can benefit not only monetarily but also in their quality of life.

Native Root is a company that understands farmers because Native Root is a company of farmers. The community has been cultivating these steep pitches of volcanic soil in the only way they know how, in a natural balance with the land. Native Root takes care of the community members by providing a wage well above the current market price as it seeks to develop along with the community both economically and in its wellbeing.

Decisions at the company level include a democratic process, including the community members, giving everyone a place at the table. This allows farmers to grow professionally and personally. Join us in our vision of a sustainable path forward to which we at Native Root can continue to provide you with the highest quality coffee while you can be confident that your purchase helps support this special company and mission.