Green coffee sales

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Green coffee sales

Our green coffee stock includes semi-washed, honey and natural processes. Some of these coffees are grown at our own farm and others come from our neighboors. Currently we are working with over 30 families in our indigenous reservation. 

If you are interested in our green coffees please e-mail us asking for our current offerings. We will get back to you within 24 hours with the latest product and price list. In this list we include, product name, product description, quantity available, price per kg and price per lb. 

All green coffee negotiations are conducted via e-mail. 

Shipping options for green orders: 

  • Courier via DHL: up to 60 kgs
  • Air Freight: up to three metric tones (3000 kgs)
  • Ocean freight: more than three tones (3000+ kgs) 


Ervin Liz – Green sales director 


Phone & WhatsApp: +57 3227758497